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Heylo ! I'm Ng Yi Shen . You guys can call me Alvin . 18 years old this november 3. I am, after all, Just Me. Nothing less nothing more, Just simple and ordinary :) !

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Assignment 3 : Grid 

Grids are series of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines that are used to structure content for the placement of any design element.
This monday (10/9) , we learned about Grid .  Basically grids are made up of  seven different lines and space: Margin, Flow line, Column, Row, Gutter, Module and Spatial zone . Different grids are used in different layout . In class activity , we are asked to identify the grid used in newspaper and magazine. 

Heres is an example of column grid used in a newspaper . 

We need to fold the paper horizontally twice and vertically twice to find the most accurate grid for the article in the newspaper .

After that , we were given a simple task . In this simple task , we were asked to design our own layout using the hierarchy which is the heading , subheading and body content . 

Heres are the examples of the design of my own layout 

After we finish designing our own layout , we are dismissed ! 

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