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Heylo ! I'm Ng Yi Shen . You guys can call me Alvin . 18 years old this november 3. I am, after all, Just Me. Nothing less nothing more, Just simple and ordinary :) !

Sunday, September 30, 2012

 Assignment 6 : Brochure 

For this assignment , we were assigned to work in pairs to create a brochure layout using newspaper and magazine cutting together with hand drawn elements .  My group mate is Hoi Jun .  At first we decided to choose car as our topic but we noticed theres not much magazine and newspaper we can find about cars so we changed our topic to food .

We went to the student life centre and took some brochure , flyer , booklets , newspaper and magazine back to our POD classroom and start searching anything that related to our topics .

We cut them out and stick it to an A4 size paper

We choose green color as color theme because instead of using white color we can use something other than that color to attract people .  Food picture with color also can attract people instead of black and white picture .  Actually the reason why we used so colored picture is to make it eye catching . 

Assignment 5 : Paper Cutout

For this assignment , we need to create 2 different artworks (A4) using paper cutout and collage technique. It can be any color we wish but 1 should be represent balance & symmetry and the other artwork should be dominance, weight and space . 

This artwork which is the superman logo represent balance & symmetry . I cut this logo as my paper cutout because superman is one of my favorite hero and his logo just suited the topic perfect . This is why I chose superman logo as one of my paper cut out

This is my another artwork represent dominance , weight and space . I used red ,yellow and green because i want to make it like a sunset view but   Green , red and yellow represent freedom .


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Assignment 4 : Grid 

After we have learnt how to identify the grid used in newspaper and designing our own layout using hierarchy . We are asked to use a single topic and the same images to create 2 variation of golden ratio grid , baseline grid and lastly the column grid.  

         This is me looking through what we are supposed to do for the assignment in one of the restaurant

                                                  This is the work i have printed it out

                                                         Lastly , the finished work.

Basically , I did my work using microsoft words because its easier to do all the grid work. After that i printed it out and pasted it into 3 A3 size mounting board . The reason why i posted my golden ratio grid , column grid  and not my baseline grid because i have done it wrongly . In my golden ratio grid and column grid work , I have not put any gutter to create a space  . This is also a big mistake done by me .

Assignment 3 : Grid 

Grids are series of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines that are used to structure content for the placement of any design element.
This monday (10/9) , we learned about Grid .  Basically grids are made up of  seven different lines and space: Margin, Flow line, Column, Row, Gutter, Module and Spatial zone . Different grids are used in different layout . In class activity , we are asked to identify the grid used in newspaper and magazine. 

Heres is an example of column grid used in a newspaper . 

We need to fold the paper horizontally twice and vertically twice to find the most accurate grid for the article in the newspaper .

After that , we were given a simple task . In this simple task , we were asked to design our own layout using the hierarchy which is the heading , subheading and body content . 

Heres are the examples of the design of my own layout 

After we finish designing our own layout , we are dismissed ! 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Group Assignment 1 : Furniture Design ( Finish )

After lots and lots of work , we have finished our furniture !

Heres the picture of the finished furniture !

Yes it can be turned around . Basically ,  this chair can be seated in 2 ways . 

Heres another picture of the chair . 

Then , this is me trying out the chair.

Basically this chair is make by lots of cupboard , glue it with glue gun and tie it with 6- 7  ropes so the durability of this chair is actually quite long. It can be seated not only by 1 person but 2 - 3 more people depending on the how you seat on it .

After 2 to 3 weeks , this group work has finally come to an end  . Even though , it looks like a simple chair but it really took us lots of times and handwork . We stick it piece by piece ,  cut it piece by piece during the weekend.

Last but not least , this is our group photo with Sam sitting on the furniture !

                                P/s : the pillow is custom made by Chia with our group name on it !

Group Assignment 1 : Furniture Design ( Continue ) 

We started our furniture by using the cupboards bought by Chia . 


Then we cut the cupboards into shape like below 

After few hours ! 

Heres are the picture of us cutting the cupboard ; 

50% done picture of the furniture.

Thats 80% of what we did to finish the furniture .

Assignment 2 : Framing skills 

I actually choose building as my subject matter for my framing assignment but I  i didn't manage to get out of my hostel since I will be busy doing my furniture work during the weekend so i changed my subject matter to shoes .   

Heres are some examples of my subject matter ; 

and heres my video 

p/s : I didn't cut the frame properly . Hope you all don't mind . Thanks :D

Thats all for assignment 2  .